
0023: Family Man

[Introduction: The man with the horned-rimmed glasses, Mr. Bennet, has dealt with many individuals with fantastic abilities. Most were faceless entities, those to be "bagged and tagged." A very few became friends. And one he would encounter early in his career, who would become the most special person in his life: the girl called Claire.]

[Caption: Odessa, Texas] (The Bennet house is smoldering in flames after Ted Sprague's nuclear discharge.)

Noah Bennet Narrating: My adopted daughter just walked up to a nuclear man, as he was about to go Hiroshima -- and knocked him unconscious. She save the lives of her famiky, and everyone living thing within a twenty mile radius. Claire just healed from a human skeleton, back into a cheerleader. That's not the kind of thing that's easy to hide from the people I work for. And for the last six months, I'd been trying to keep Claire's abilities under wraps.

Mr. Thompson: Your daughter is extraordinary.

Noah: I know.

Mr. Thompson: You have one hour to bring her in.

Noah Narrating: Claire had just saved thousands of innocent lives. I had one hour to save hers.

Claire: Where's dad going?

Sandra: He said he wanted to find a hotel -- someplace to stay while this mess is being cleaned up.

Noah Narrating: Thompson wanted me to bring Claire in. To hand her over so he could study her DNA. There was a time I would've done it. Not anymore. Judging by the sedan trailing me, they must suspect I might betray them. If they're trailing me 24/7...I need to call some outside help.

(He stops at an internet cafe, and announces:)

Noah: Free coffee for everyone! (Then proceeds to one of the free computer screens.)

Noah Narrating: The only person I trusted to help me was a woman I had trained. Hana Gitelman, had the most extraordinary ability - to see and hear every bit of data on the internet, swirling around her like leaves in the wind. I call her Wireless. They were closing in. I had to get an e-mail out. And hope. And pray that she was out there. Listening. Come on...answer me! Answer! Maybe Hana hasn't forgiven me for tricking her into working for the bad guys, and leaving her for dead in the middle of the Serengeti.

[Caption: Route 66. 110 M.P.H.] (Hana is riding a motorcycle, the internet spiraling in her head, and gets Bennet's message which says: "Parkman and Sprague found me. I know you helped them. I'm changing side, Hana. I need your help to shut it all down.")

Hana Gitelman: (via text message) "Wireless: I'll do it."

Noah Narrating: Whoever's following me will just think I went in for a Latte. And now that I've got Wireless working with me on the outside, my plan to bring down the people I work for, and protest my daughter, just might work. As long as my partner can shoot straight...

(Venue changes to the giant arch-bridge outside of Odessa; The Haitian just shot Noah, as he prepares to take Claire to safety.)

Claire: Dad!

The Haitian: We must go, Claire! NOW!

Noah Narrating: Everthing should be fine. My daughter will be safe. What was her name? I Can't remember...