[Introduction: While her world is falling apart and danger lurks around the corner, Claire Bennet receives a call to arms from a mysterious "friend" named Libertad. A simple text message telling her to hold out hope, fight back, and be ready. Little does Claire know that she's not the first to get these messages. And she's not the first to wonder: Can I trust them?]
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: The don't know me. They never will. I'm just an idea in their head.
Misha: Watch carefully, Harmon. People are disappearing.
Harmon: It's my block. Don't worry.
Misha: Your block to watch. Not tag up my bar. Rebel. Dobitoc. (Angie enters the door of the Angry Skunk nightclub.) Angie! You're late.
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: I've given them all a message. Rebel. They take from it what they choose. Sometimes my help is more concrete. People like us are in danger.
Trafficker: Misha, you lady would like a new identity. Can we help?
Misha: That depends on what name she leaves behind.
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: I can get them to safety. Sometimes.
Maya: My name is Maya.
Trafficker: $7,000. If you know any tricks, pretty Maya, we might work something out.
Maya: No tricks. Not anymore.
Trafficker: If you have no talent, why are you hunted?
Maya: (turning over a tray of glasses) $4,000! Creep!
Trafficker: (telekinetically holds the spilled water and glasses in the air) See? I have a trick.
Off-frame1: These dogs don't believe me, or care.
Off-frame2: Interesting.
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: (Harmon's is shown walking outside.) My help to thers is an idea. Let their mind unravel the little things until they can grasp the bigger picture. Sometimes, it is unorthorox.
Simon Boliver: Are you Harmon?
Harmon: Who's asking? You look strung out.
Simon: Simon Boliver at your service. A message for you.
Harmon: (takes a piece of paper) Sure...
Simon: Please take it so I can get the hell out of here.
Danko's Surveillance Team: (Observing from inside a van) What is he doing? We'll find out soon.
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: With any luck, I am a threat to the right people. Even if they don't know it.
(Venue changes back inside the Angry Skunk.)
Simon: (holding the piece of paper, saying 'Viva Libertad - Rebel and be Saved") The guy was in a uniform and everything!
Harmon: We can trust him-- or her...rebel sends you the same messages as me.
Misha: This is a setup.
Angie: Liar.
Misha: No.
Angie: Misha, our friends are disappearing. But we've been helped. Someone is bringing us together.
Maya: What does Rebel want from us?
Harmon: Trust. In each other.
Simon: Rebel is my source for ID's. I say what I need and it is arranged. I trust Revel, not this card. No ID until it is safe.
Maya: Rebel told me to come here.
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: The simplest manipulation...(Libertad/Rebel queues a message on the TV stating: "Rebel & Be Saved!")
Harmon: (Pointing to the TV message.) How 'bout now?
Angie: 11:00 P.M.
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: But not everyone can put their life in a stranger's hands...
(Later Misha and the Trafficker walk alone down the street)
Trafficker: Those kids don't listen anymore. These are dangerous times.
Misha: This Rebel has been profitable to us so far. Helped us get many people safe. Off! (The two are bagged, captured, and interrogated for when the others are meeting.)
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: Misha was right. In the blink of an eye...those who need each other most...can be unleashed upon on another.
Misha/Trafficker: (while being beaten). They meet tonight.
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: They had hope. Men are cuel to take that away.
(Danko's team repels onto the Angry Skunk rooftop from a chopper, taking up positions for the trap.)
Off-frame: How did they know? These ones always know.
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: To leave them with nothing.
Maya: My ID. Now what?
Harmon: Be happy Rebel warned us.
Angie: Someone told. Trust no one. There's no saving us.
Harmon: Angie, trust me. We can fight back.
Maya: Take my adfice. Get away. Lay Low! They'll be back!
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: Their rebellion ended before it een began. Dissolved in fear. (Harmon is seen wallcrawling up the side of the building.) But if they can hold on to something, no matter how small or big. It may just get them through the stormiest night...(Maya is hiding inside as Danko's team enters the Angry Skunk, and receives a text stating: "I can still help you...will you trust me?")...Maybe it can last long enough to pass on to someone else.
(The surveillance van turns the corner behind Angie, heading towards here. She receives a text message on her phone saying, "Run!")
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: Helping someone along may be all the power you have. Yet if we can make it through this night...joy comes in the morning.
(As the capture squad exists the van with guns drawn, Angie takes flight into the sky and away. )
Libertad/Rebel Narrating: Viva la Libertad. -- A Friend.
[The End]