[Introduction: After the distintegration of Primatech and the destruction of Pinehearst, HRG had put his "business trips" behind him until a few reports started trickling in... and some of them sounded a little too familiar.]
[Caption: Friday, 8:23 PM. Steel Family Safe Insurance, Pittsburgh, PA.]
Secretary: Alright, I'm out. Do you need anything else?
Joe Macon: No, I'm about to head out in a few anyways. Thanks.
Secretary: Have a good weekend Mr. Macon. Don't work too hard.
Joe Macon: Haha, I never do! Working hard just isn't in my nature. (He has a spread of forms laid out across his desk, and bring his hand over them, invoking his ability, his hand glows, makes a "scrrrrrr" sound, and all the papers are now filled in.) And now that I got all these signed...I'm gonna get the hell out of here.
Sylar: Don't leave yet. That was neat. (oversaw his ability use)
Joe Macon: (acting as if nothing happened) I don't know what you're talking about.
Sylar: Do you insure anyone named Gray?
Joe Macon: We can't disclose client information.
Sylar: Well maybe I can just pick your brain?
[Caption: Sunday, 12:14 PM -- Bennet House, Costa Verde, CA]
Claire: Hey dad, I need fifty bucks. Dad? What the--? (holding Mr. Muggles, she sees a note on the table that reads, "Heading out of town...on business. -- love, Dad" She picks op the phone, speaking to Mr. Muggles...) He'd better have a better explanaion that that. It sounds a little suspicious, doesn't it Muggles?
[Caption: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania]
(Ring...Mr. Bennet answers his cellphone from his car.)
Noah: Hello Claire bear, have you started looking at those college brochures?
Claire: Don't "Claire bear" me, dad.
Noah: Excuse me?
Claire: Out of town on business? It's going back to exactly how it was.
Noah: Claire, you're over-reacting.
Claire: Am I? Because the last time you went out of own on business, you were catching the bad guys with Sylar.
Noah: Claire, I know--
Claire: And we both know how that worked out...
Noah: Sylar's dead, Claire. He's gone. There's no other way for me to sa that.
Claire: But...
Noah: No "Butts" about it. (swiping an access card to gain entrance into a door.) I'm about to step into a meeting... [Caption: Steel Family Safe Insurance -- Pittsburgh, PA.] So I'm going to have to let you go, okay Claire? Be good and tell your grandmother you want to see Columbia when you're in New York, It's --
Claire: A meeting? Really? What kind of meeting do you have on a Sunday?
Noah: At an insurance company -- They're having a situation they need to retify immediately. They said it couldn't wait.
Sandra: (from the other room) Claire, I'm home! Could you come give me a hand with groceries?
Claire: Okay, Fine -- But it still doesn't smell right. Okay, Coming, Mom.
Noah: We'll talk about it when I get home, Claire. I have to go. (Pushing the L5 button on the elevator, Noah gets blood on his finger.) Son of a bitch.
(Bennet House)
Sandra: Claire, what are you doing?
Claire: Oh -- just on the phone with dad...he though he forgot something in his office.
Sandra: And?
Claire: Nope! Must be somewhere else.
(Back in PA, Noah enters the 6th floor office of Joe Macon, gun drawn, and sees Macon's skull cap lying on the ground, head opened, and brain missing, knowing now that Sylar survived.)
Noah: #%#@!
[The End]