[Introduction: When Noah Bennet joined the Primatech Company he was partnered with Claude - a man who could turn himself invisible. In their early years, both men worked under the supervision of Ivan Spektor, a Russian Company Agent. After a few years of experience, HRG and Claude are now on a bag and tag mission in Moscow - receiving help from a newly retired Ivan. But Ivan's presence could prove to be very damaging...]
[Caption: Moscow. December. 1989.]
Noah Bennet Narrating: My predecessors trained me well for what I do. I've prepared myself for everything that could be thrown my way. But one thing you can't guard yourself from - is the psychological toll.
Noah: (Sitting at a table by the street) Ivan Spektor. It's been a long time.
Ivan: Hello, Noah. Good to see you on the hunt in my turbid city again.
Noah: What makes you think I'm hunting? Maybe I'm here on vacation.
Noah Bennet Narrating: You never know how the job will screw with your head until it's over.
Ivan: Da, and maybe I'm handsome like Baryshnikov. When on vacation in Russia you drink vodka. When on duty you drink espresso. You're on duty.
Noah: You're very receptive for a retired agent.
Ivan: I'm guessing you're here to bad the one called "The Russian"?
Noah: Can't say we're not clever with our names.
Ivan: Let me offer my services. I notice you don't have a partner.
Claude: (materializes in the empty chair at Noah's table) Actually, he does.
Ivan: Claude, I didn't see you there.
Claude: That's generally the idea of being invisible.
Ivan: Good. We can use that. Let us go. Your Russian rides the Metro.
Noah Bennet Narrating: The Russian. Our knowledge on what he's capable of is limited. Sources tell us he's the patriarch of a family. All men. Varying in ages. All of them criminals. Con Artists. Thieves...and Killers. They mysteriously always evade capture from authorities. Raising a red flag that suggests use of an ability. Catching this Russian will be the first step to bringing them all down. And it looks like we're about to learn exactly what he can do.
Claude: Slow down there, old man. Um...what's wrong with your face?
(The Russian age-shifts from his original old-man personae, to that of a young man.)
Claude: Your'e not the RUssian we're looking for.
Noah: Be careful, Claude! He's an age shifter!
Claude: An age what now? (Claude tackles him onto the train.)
Noah: How did we not know he could do that?
Ivan: I've had my suspicions. Hurry. Get on the train.
Noah Bennet Narrating: We thought we were after a family operation...the old man...in charge. The son -- a young man in his prime. The grandkids -- a teenager and a young boy.
Ivan: That old man might have been harmless, Noah. But the young man is a killer. I've seen what he can do with a knife.
Noah: And I've read the reports. But he hasn't posed us any real threat.
Ivan: He's a threat by his very nature. He has an ability.
Noah Bennet Narrating: But all along it was the same person. Shifting his age back and forth. Ivan has a point. If the Russian endangers a life -- there's cause for termination. Even if I empathize with his conflict. Being...different. It doesn't matter. Because even though he's not like me -- he has his humanity. He's gotta know right from wrong.
Claude: Uh oh...He's doing it again.
(The Russian age-shifts to that of a young boy. Noah draws his pistol.)
Claude: You can't Noah. You can't shoot a kid.
Noah: He's not really a child. He's just trying to get in your head.
Noah Bennet Narrating: But what about my humanity?
[To Be Continued...]