
114: The Caged Bird, Part 2

[Introduction: Daphne's recollection of the past reveals how she first discovered her power; and the moment a mysterious stranger appeared...]

[Caption: Wichita, Kansas. October, 2006]

Thompson: Ms. Millbrook, my staff is well versed in the kinds of medical challenges that--

Mr. Millbrook: Daph, I'm amazed by what's happened too. But it's my job to protect you.

Daphne: By letting me be tested on? I don't have medical challenges, I'm cured!

Thompson: For now.

Mr. Millbrook: Mister Thompson, I'd like to talk to my daughter alone. We'll see you in the morning.

Thompson: Thanks for your time.

Daphne: You can't make me go. Mom never would have done this!

Mr. Millbrook: Well your mother isn't here -- I am!

Daphne: I wish you'd died instead.

Daphne Narrating: I immediately wanted to take it back. But instead, I ran. It's what I am now. (She is depicted seeing the world; the Great Pyramids in Egypt, The Coliseum in Rome, The Taj Mahal in India, Machu Pichu in Peru, and the Great Wall in China, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris.) The months after I left Kansas were the best I've ever known.

[Caption: Three months later. Paris, France.]

Daphne Narrating: But it wasn't all photo-ops and sunsets. Because when I stopped moving, I remembered.

Mr. Millbrook: (Daphne calling him on a hotel phone, but not speaking) Daphne, is that you? Come home, I --

Hotel Clerk: Excusez-moi, le telephone est uniquement pour les clients!

Daphne Narrating: But I wasn't going my own.

(Daphne is seen on the streets with the homeless.)

Homeless man #1: C'est le mien!

Homeless man #2: Allez au diable!

Daphne Narrating: I tried to go the honest route. Get a job.

Florist Manager: Pouvez-vous travailler tard le soir?

Daphne: Parlez-vous Anglais?

Florist Manager: Non!

Daphne Narrating: But I didn't have to. In the market that day I saw it. Whatever I wanted.

Bread Merchant: Hot Rolls! Trois our 3E!

Market Customer: J'avais comme trois s'il vous plait.

Daphne Narrating: The scorned cage bird.

Bread Merchant: (As Daphne steals a roll.) Vous -- Vous devez payer! Arreter! Voleur!

Daphne Narrating: I'll translate. He said 'Thief'. And it's exactly what I became.

[Caption: Two weeks later]

(Daphne running and stealing through the steets of Paris, is approached from behind in an alley...Samir Mellouk appears through a wall.)

Daphne: Five, six, seven, eigh- (counting her wares)

Samir: You're not a very good thief.

Daphne: Shove off. Wait, you speak English?

Samir: Poor American girl.

Daphne: I can take care of myself.

Samir: Really? How many people are following you?

Daphne: Zero.

Samir: Wrong. There are two. A man and woman, both American.

Daphne: Who are you?

Samir: My name is Samir.

Daphne Narrating: Samir Mellouk. A local crime boss with the nifty ability to slip through things. Including the law.

Daphne: Why should I work for you?

Samir: My clients pay a lot of money and I can protect you. I even have an apartment you can use.

Daphne Narrating: Some girls go for diamonds. I went for real estate.

Samir: (An apartment overlooking the Eiffel tower) Deliver everything on this list to me by tomorrow and there's an extra E1000 in it for you.

Daphne: Consider it done.

Daphne Narrating: (looking at a picture of herself and her parents) But it wouldn't last. The cage came for me.

[Caption: Nine months later, present day]

(Back in Lawrence, Kansas)

Daphne Narrating: Just as I'd feared. Clipped wings and tied feet.

(Looking at the picture of her mother running, then later reconciling and hugging her dad with Matt standing behind her)

Daphne Narrating: Only this time, I did things differently. Matt Parkman, and a second eclipse helped me make things right with my dad. He asked me not to leave. But when the cage door opens, the bird inside must fly. Freedom is all it ever wanted.

(The End)