[Introduction: Soon after discovering his unusual abilities, Peter Petrelli encounteredHiro Nakamura. Solemn and grim, Hiro claimed that he was from the future, here to give Peter a brief but puzzling warning: save the cheerleader, save the world.
Later, Peter would meet Hiro once again--for the first time. This Hiro, from present day, was warm and optimistic, the complete opposite of his future self. What events could trigger such a massive change in the young office worker? And why seek out Peter Petrelli?]
[New York City. The future]
(Future Hiro is seen subduing three uniformed policemen with his Kensei sword in order to protect a young girl.)
Future Hiro Narrating: It was the eve of the anniversary. Five years after the explosion decimated half the city.
Future Hiro: I don't want to hurt you. Get back in your cruiser and get your men off the streets.
Policeman: OK. Yeah. Whatever you say...
Future Hiro Narrating: But it felt just like any other night. I was trying to keep my own safe.
Future Hiro: Sparrow, how many times do I need to tell you? Curfew means curfew.
Sparrow Redhouse: Says who? The government?
Futer Hiro: Say me, now get home. quick. (she runs off.)
Future Hiro Narrating: I tried not to think about the sad truth. That we were losing. Maybe we'd already lost. After the bomb went off, people like me -- special people -- we became hated. Hunted. Second class citizens. I wanted to change it. I needed to. So just like any other night, I went to work finding a way...I went to work on the strings. (Future Hiro is shown in Isaac's loft working on a string map) After five years of manipulating time, I began to understand it. Time was not a line or a fabric, but the product of lives, interweaved.
(Future Hiro sees a vision of Sylar going nuclear, and also a picture of Ted Sprague pinned to the timeline.)
Future Hiro Narrating: Sylar's lifeline was crucial, of course. He was the bomb. He was able to do this because he killed Claire Bennet, the cheerleader.
(Future Hiro sees another vision, of a de-skulled Claire wearing her Odessa cheerleading uniform, and also her picture pinned to the timeline.)
Future Hiro Narrating: So to save the world, I needed to find someone from that time to save the cheerleader. Someone I knew would not fail. Peter Petrelli.
(Future Hiro focuses on two pictures of Peter on the timeline, one of him kissing Simone Deveaux under an umbrella, the other of Peter flying between sckyscrapers.)
Future Hiro Narrating: This is the spot. But not the time. (He approaches a subway car.) So I traveled five years into the past. To this fateful moment. (Hiro is shown running through time, then as he enters the subway car, time itself stops; as he calls out.)
Future Hiro: Peter Petrelli.
Peter: How is this happening?
Future Hiro: I'm sorry if I scared you...
Future Hiro Narrating: Where I delivered a message to Peter.
Future Hiro: Be the one we need. Save the cheerleader, save the world!
Peter: Wait...
Future Hiro Narrating: And I left him. Hiping to stop the world I know from ever happening. But nothing changed.
(Future Hiro returns to his future time, and a demolished subway train, in a demolished NY.)
Future Hiro Narrating: I didn't understand. This should have worked. Where could I have gone wrong? What did I miss? And why was there a light on in the loft? (He proceeds back to Isaac's loft.) Five years of work. Five years of fighting. All for nothing. I was angry. I wanted answers.
(Entering the loft...)
Future Hiro: You. (Kensei sword drawn)
Present Hiro: Me? (Kensei sword drawn, with Ando behind, bracing a pistol, dressed as a policeman.)
Future Hiro Narrating: But all I got were more questions...